For weeks 1-8′s recap, please click “Sales Challenge” under Categories. My goal is to hit $80k in 5 months (20 weeks).
The point of the sales challenge and recapping my apps for the week are for training purposes.
I had a family reunion this week and took off last Friday, Monday and Tuesday. That’s why you didn’t see a Sales Challenge Update last week. However, I still hit my goal both this week and last week. So lets get into it.
I sold a bunch of small applications these last 2 weeks. My volume is there, just not getting the premiums I usually average. I guess those 2 big weeks where I did $13k and $11k are averaging out with these smaller weeks.
Over the last 2 weeks, I submitted 5 EZlife applications, 9 Fidelity applications and 2 Americo non-med term applications.
Lets start with the 5 EZlife Apps for a total of $3492 submitted (dashboard screenshot below with names whited out).
EZlife App #1: Wesbsite lead. I had actually spoken with her 2 weeks prior. She was clueless when it came to buying life insurance and spent a good 5 minutes educating her before I quoted her 20 year term to protect her newborn. It was a really small premium so I do what I usually do with small policies I don’t have the time to pursue and put her in my drip email “quoted” follow up sequence and left it in her hands to call me back. Well she called me back and we completed the application. App out $240.
EZlife App #2: Website lead (call in). This lady was 60 years old and in great health. Her 10 year term is about to expire and she needed the coverage to get her to retirement age. Nothing fancy about this one…she said the rates seemed fair and we completed the application. She was all about business. I like these. App out $576
EZlife App #3: Website lead (call in). This guy’s only issue is he smokes on average 1 cigar a week. He spoke with SelectQuote and they were quoting him Preferred rates with ING. Which was a correct assessment on their end and is probably the route I would have gone. Having that information and knowing that it was out of the question since he already had that quote, I looked at the other alternatives for non-smoker rates. It turns out in his age band, MetLife’s Standard Plus rates were better than ING’s preferred rates. App out $1140
EZlife App #4: Website lead (call in). This guy had a degenerative bone disorder and took moderate pain medications. He still lives a normal life and is employed full time. Based on that information, I gave him a range of rates from table 4 – table 8 and he was fine with the top end, so I didn’t worry about getting an exact quote. I said we’d shoot for the Table 4 rates and applied at those. App out $960
EZlife App#5: EZlife application request. This lady requested an application on my EZlife instant quoter. I called her immediately and confirmed her health and finished the application. I was basically taking an order. App out $576
8 of my 9 Fidelity applications were referrals. The one that wasn’t a referral was a website call in who cancelled her coverage effective 9/1 and needed to secure coverage asap. I told her that wasn’t smartest thing to do and to always wait until a new policy is in force. However, it made for an easy simplified issue sale with Fidelity since she needed it quickly.
Total app out for Fidelity (over 2 weeks): $3532. Also, 8 out of 9 of these applications are already approved and in force. Unfortunately 1 was declined due to a medication found on the pharmacy report. So I placed $3057 of this business already!
My 2 Americo applications were diabetics. 1 was a referral and the other was a website lead. Both were looking for no-medical exam policies and Americo has been consistent with their non-med diabetic approvals. As long as their a1c’s are under control and they’re taking oral meds, Americo is a go with their non-med term. 2 apps for $720
My agent whose been working my overflow website leads submitted $1709 over these 2 weeks. Since that’s a 50/50 split, I’ll count $854 in apps submitted.
Not a bad application count (16) over the last 2 weeks when you consider I only worked 7 days and really only have time to sell for around 4 hours per day. Without EZlife or my sales processes in place, I would have to spend all day selling to hit these numbers. Very thankful.
Total premium apped out over weeks 9 and 10: $8,598
Total premium to date (over 10 weeks): $62,062
I barely squeaked by my average goal of submitting $4k a week. However, overall I’m way ahead of pace.
At the halfway point of my challenge, I’m over 75% of the way there. Feelin good!
Nice job Jeff! $2532 for me this week…getting up and running with fidelity!
Liran – Heck yeah! I know it’s lower than your last 2 weeks, but still good. Keep it up.