Here’s week 2’s recap for the 5 month sales challenge.
The point of recapping my apps is for training purposes. Hope you can get something out of them. I learned something this week in case #6.
Case #1:
Website lead from over the weekend. She spoke with 2 other agents and no one would write her husband because he has dementia. He was diagnosed just over the weekend. I quoted $10k graded coverage for $61/mo. She was happy to get “something”. I don’t run non-med through EZlife, so I emailed the application. App out for $732 AP.
Case #2:
Referral. Needed $50k of term coverage and didn’t want to take a medical exam. Problem was she is bipolar, has a hypothyroid and high blood pressure. Takes a total of 5 meds. The traditional no exam companies won’t take her. After trying to convince her to take an exam, I finally caved and offered an alternative. I took an EZlife application with Transamerica for $50k at a Table 2 rating. Anything under $100k doesn’t require an exam with Transamerica, but will require an APS. She was happy with that. App out for $600 AP.
Case #3:
Referral. Needs $80k 10 year term with no exam for a loan. He has controlled T2 diabetes, so that knocks out Fidelity and Assurity. Ended up writing Americo HMS 100. They take controlled diabetics with no exam…you just need to fill out their diabetes questionnaire. Since I don’t send non-med business through EZlife, I emailed the application and questionnaire, he sent it back within 2 hours with a voided check. App out for $847.
Case #4:
Website call in. He needs $100k for 15 years. This was very twilight zone-ish. T2 diabetic and needed it quick for a loan. Didn’t want to take the time to complete an exam. Literally just finished submitting case #3. Sent an application for $57/mo. App out for $684
Case #5:
Website lead. Wanted $75k to cover the cost of grad school loans. 29 year old female with anxiety and build issues which places her at standard. She didn’t want a medical exam either. Only $18/mo. with Trans. App out for $216
Case #6:
Referral. Needs $55k to secure a loan. Had a DUI 3.5 years ago. All the non-med apps need it to be at least 5 years out. However, not Guarantee Trust Life. They don’t ask about DUI’s on their simplified issue application so I sent the application. There’s a great site with their apps and rates at They are a last resort simplified issue carrier for me because their rates aren’t competitive so I have this bookmarked and glad I did for this case. App out for $350
I’m bummed about my average case size this week, but there’s nothing I could do. However, the majority are simplified issue so it’s not much processing work at all. It’s also nice to have EZlife to process these small applications for me.
Also notable, I took 2 Fidelity applications but they both were declined. I could count them as an app out, but it doesn’t feel right. I haven’t got a hold of either to suggest something else.
I had a lot of quotes out there and “quick quotes” waiting to come back, so next week I should be able to break $5k.
Total Premium apped out this week: $3429.
Total Premium for the first 2 weeks: $8376 which is a $4188 average per week.
Goal to hit $80k in 5 months is $4,000 week, so I’m right on track for the first 2 weeks.